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Ethics and Values
Vitruvian Defensive Solutions code of ethics are ground in the principles of the Bushido Code and the 7-5-3 Code. All students, members, practitioners, and instructors will uphold the values of Respect, Honor and Integrity.​
We value the safety of the general public and provide training only to law-abiding adult citizens, as defined by applicable federal, state or local law; click here for information on Persons Ineligible for Training with Vitruvian Defensive Solutions.




​​​All students, members, practitioners and instructors shall demonstrate mutual RESPECT to one another by following the guidelines below:


  1. Uphold Respect, Honor and Integrity of and with every member, practitioner and instructor.

  2. Treat all members, practitioners and instructors with fairness and equality regardless of gender, race, nationality or religion in all events, gatherings, activities, training events, workshops, and seminars.

  3. Give all members, practitioners and instructors equal attention and opportunities during all training activities.

  4. Focus on respecting the talent, development, and progressive goals of each individual student.

  5. Use appropriate and respectful language. 

  6. Observe punctuality and display consideration for others during any event, activity, training event, workshop, or seminar.

  7. Display proper self-control, respect, dignity, honesty and professionalism to all students and faculty, regardless of self-defense experience and backgrounds.

  8. Maintain and consistently show that all instructors are models of respect, honor and integrity geared towards self-improvement opportunities.

  9. No arguing with fellow students or instructors; show respect for everyone in class by paying attention in class.




​​​All students, members, practitioners and instructors shall exhibit HONOR by following the guidelines below:


  1. Ensure all instructors’ and students’ time is well spent on excellent training that is focused on learning and growth.

  2. Practice mutual protection and safety; everyone looks out for one another.

  3. Promote comradery amongst students, instructors, and with other organizations.

  4. Conduct training events, workshops, and seminars without being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage and / or any form of illegal drugs.

  5. All may seek continuous improvement of self-defense and safety through upgrading of individual knowledge.

  6. Students or instructors lack of training skill, capability, knowledge, or experience will not be discussed with students or in any public forum to include social media platforms.


All students, members, practitioners and instructors shall profess INTEGRITY by following the guidelines below:​


  1. Practice professionalism and acceptance of responsibilities for action.

  2. Encourage full commitment to provide quality service to all new and seasoned students alike.

  3. All students shall receive self-defense and safety instruction in accordance with our code of ethics.

  4. Instructors will continue to master the training program they are instructing through continuous training, maintaining, and improving their knowledge and skills.

  5. Collaboration and sharing of technology between other organizations and defensive industries is encouraged so that we grow together and help bring out the best in everyone.

  6. All instructors, students, and participants in all training programs will provide a safe and secure environment for training and development of all students; safety is everyone's responsibility.

  7. Ensure that all equipment and facilities meet safety standards to avoid untimely injuries of any user and must be duly assessed prior to use.

  8. Ensure full consideration, concern, and caution to any student, participant, or instructor who is sick, injured or with permanent disability and seek medical advice if required by the situation.

  9. All Instructors must have the appropriate level of skill for instruction. Level of competence and leadership must be in accordance with their position as required when teaching specific blocks of instruction.

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